For more than 20 years period of “Neftestroiservice Ltd” existence it has completed a great number of projects, learned to solve challenges to the satisfaction of both customers and clients.
Having started its activity among many other subcontractors, today “NSS” have grown at in its own scale, having increased its staff, the portfolio of projects performed, in doing so proving its commitment, capability and its competitive ability.
Today “NSS” company is one of largest construction companies in Western Kazakhstan. 9 partner companies with different business profile are working with us, together with them we cover all the traditional construction works starting from civil works upto works related to electrical equipment, instrumentation and automation, including commissioning and running of facilities.
All these became possible due to company policy based on principles of:
Protecting people and the environment,
Integrated support of work quality,
Fair attitude to employees.
I wish your prosperity, success, peace, harmony and further successful work to the Company, its Partners and the entire Kazakhstan.