ТОО «Нефтестройсервис Лтд»


1. Crude Export Project (CEP)

In 2008 “NSS” completed construction of new oil loading facility as per TCO Crude oil export project. This facility for loading with oil of 2 railway tanks. The most remarkable is that 20 tanks can be loaded simultaneously. After construction completion “ NSS” was awarded a facility operation contract.

2. Gas Utilization Project (GUP)

”NSS” completed scope of civil and mechanical works, which include:

Concrete works-1500 m3

Structural steel fabrication – 800 t

Installation of 6000m pipeline

3. Turnaround projects at Tengiz Production Plant

“NSS” is a key contractor in annual TCO turnaround projects, and also company participates in annual remedial works since 2002.

“NSS” activities on this project includes civil and mechanical works, such as replacement of vessels, columns, repair and replacement of heat-exchange units, boilers, pipelines, pumps, fireproofing works on boilers and heat-exchange units.

4. Vessels construction

In 2011 “Neftestroiservice Ltd” put in commission gas condensate reservoir with the capacity of 28000m3

5. Technical Maintenance of Utilities and Gathering basin in “Samal” (Karabatan)

”NSS” is involved in the project since April 1, 2011. The activities of “NSS” consists of provision of different profile specialists for performance of works on operation of camp utility systems, water storage tanks, evaporation ponds, boiler houses, as well as technical specialists for maintenance works on the above mentioned work areas (mechanical, electrical, commissioning works, keeping in good working order of automation systems remote control of operation processes)

6. EPC Industrial bases construction projects

In 2014 “NSS” ahead of time deliveredon a turn-key bases industrial bases for 250 and 100 units of vehicles and special purpose equipment on Karazhanbas and Kalamkas fields. The facilities are equipped with EURO-3 and EURO -4 standard equipment and machine tools. The industrial bases are without equals on CIS territory. A touch-free method of washing of well pipes and special purpose equipment under pressure of 60 atmosphere was used here for the first time. The bases are designed for conduction of current and overhaul repair of all vehicle and special purpose equipment types.

7. “PS Atyrau” Upgrade I phase of Caspian Pipeline Consortium Expansion Project

In 2015 “NSS” participated in PS Atyrau Upgrade I phase of CPC Expansion Project, having constructed 2 oil reservoirs for 20 000 m3 each. Our company employees Kuanysh Sagadiyev- project manager and Aleksandr Redchenko- project engineer were awarded with letter of thanks on behalf of “Caspian Pipeline Consortium-K” JSC and “Kazakstan Pipeline Ventures” LLC management. Also in 2016 “NSS” has successfully completed construction of of CPC-PS Tengiz Main station

8. Operation and Technical Maintenance of Zhaikmunai Gas Processing Plant

In 2016 “Neftestroiservice Ltd” successfully completed technical maintenance and electrotechnical laboratory, instrumentation and automation and chemical laboratory qualified specialist provision project for operation of the plant on Chinareva field. On the basis of performance the contract was prolonged.

9. Service provision in provision of fireproofing, internal and external protective coating

Since January, 2009 up to March, 2016 “NSS” was involved in the Karachaganak Petroleum Operating project on repair and reinstatement of coating on pipe rack structures and production machinery of the Karachaganak oil refinery. On the Project “NSS” was responsible for blast cleaning surface preparation, application of paints and varnishes by airless method, application of fire-resistant materials on a cement basis by means of grout injection pumps.

10. Asphalt concrete plant (ACP)

In July, 2016 NSS started up Asphalt concrete plant. The plant can produce up to 80 tones of asphalt concrete mix in an hour. Modern asphalt concrete unitsfully comply with the requirements of the nature protection legislation of Kazakhstan. Start up of the plant allowed to create 28 new jobs and to meet its requirements for road construction works.

11. Services provision on operation and maintenance of base in Bautino

Since 2016 “NSS” is performing works related to procurement, logistic, radiation control, operation, technical maintenance of all NCOC base facilities in Bautino. Specifically for this purpose “NSS” industrial base with its own communications was constructed and put into opeartion.

12. Operating leasing of ionizing radiation sources

It is one of the most significant projects on which “NSS” is working now. The main task of “NSS” – safe work on the facility, namely – site radiation control, following radiation safety procedures and standards. We installed radioactive sources on multiphase flowmeters, test and HP separators, level gages. Together with extension of the contract and new scopes on Kashagan field of “NSS” will gain new experience and practice on performance of similar works not only onshore complex, but also on offshore complexes.

13. Asphalt works

“Neftestroiservice Ltd” LLP has been engaged in asphalt works since 2002. In 2016 NSS laid 100 thousand sq.m of asphalt, including TCO facilities. In the end of last year the company reconstructed and put in operation Sarykamys-Kulsara Highway with the length of 16 km. Having 15 years experience in carrying out of asphalt works and contracts with big clients “NSS” proved that the local companies are able to construct roads just as well as colleagues from abroad. Scopes of works next year, according to the most conservative estimates, will increase for more than 3 times.

14. Executed projects for AGIP KCO

Starting from 2009 till 2012, as a subcontractor of “Bonatti” and “CCC” “NSS” performed mechanical, electrotechnical and insulating works on Karabatan and Kashagan projects

Starting from 2009 till 2012, as a subcontractor of “Bonatti” and “CCC” “NSS” performed mechanical, electrotechnical and insulating works on Karabatan and Kashagan projects

“NSS” and its partners carried out electrotechnical and instrumentation and automation works on the 4th processing train and installation of the 32 000 m3 tank with a floating roof.

15. Пусконаладка, эксплуатация и обслуживание заводов УКПГ1/2 на проектах Чинаревского нефтегазоконденсатного месторождения с 2010 г

16. Бетонный завод

Завод “Дәулет” по производству товарного бетона начал свою работу в апреле 2019 года. Мы предлагаем высококачественный бетон различных классов, изготовленный по всем международным стандартам. Бетон производится на современном высокотехнологичном оборудовании в соответствии с международными стандартами. На заводе имеется специализированная аккредитованная лаборатория, и благодаря постоянному мониторингу мы уверенно держим планку высочайшего качества нашей продукции. Завод оснащен горизонтальным двухвалковым смесителем, объемом 2 кубометра. Это означает, что мы можем непрерывно производить до 120 кубометров бетона в час. При этом процесс максимально автоматизирован, что позволяет делать бетон еще более качественным и прочным.