TCO green flag was awarded to NSS.

TCO green flag was awarded to NSS. sysadmin 21 февраля, 2020 2:21 пп The Green flag is quarterly awarded to the contractors, which demonstrated the the best performance indicators, as per international ELC standards (enveroinment, labor relations and in social sphere) and is some kind of recognition of its achievements in these aspects. For the […]
New year’s greetings from the NSS team.

New year’s greetings from the NSS team. sysadmin 31 декабря, 2019 2:34 пп The staff of the NSS holding congratulates everyone on the upcoming year 2020! May the New year bring happiness to every home! Facebook Linkedin Twitter Vkontakte WhatsApp Telegram ДалееTCO green flag was awarded to NSS.Далее
Ibragim Abdrashev awarded the order “Kurmet”

Ibragim Abdrashev awarded the order “Kurmet” sysadmin 16 декабря, 2019 2:38 пп Akdrashev Ibragim Shiyapovich was born in 1963 in the Dossor village, Makat region, Atyrau oblast, in the large family. In 1986 graduated the Kazan Institute of Chemical Technology named after S.M. Kirov. That year started his labor activity from […]